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User Guide - Vaults
User Guide - Vaults
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Written by Amulet Support
Updated over a week ago

A. Purchase DePeg Cover (For hedging against token DePegs)

Step 1: Launch App and connect wallet

Refer to Get Started

Step 2: Navigate to 'Vault' then 'Trade'

Step 3: Hit the 'Purchase' button

a. Check the countdown till the vault is locked. Once the vault is locked, cover purchasers will not be able to deposit funds / purchase cover.

b. Hit the 'Purchase' button to deposit funds / purchase cover.

Step 4: Insert details and hit 'Deposit'

a. Cover purchaser inserts the amount of prescribed tokens (in this case USDC) he or she wishes to deposit.

b. Trigger Payout refers to the estimated cover amount. This figure is constantly subject to change depending on the amount of funds deposited by cover purchasers and underwriters until the vault is locked.

c. Read the Cover Terms & Conditions before checking the box. Please note that depositing funds acts as proof that the cover purchaser agrees to and accepts the DePeg Cover Terms and Conditions.

d. Hit 'Deposit' to deposit funds / purchase the DePeg Cover for (in this case) USDC.

Step 4: Approve transaction to confirm the deposit / cover purchase

Step 5: Check status

a. Navigate to 'My Vaults'. Here the cover purchaser is able to check the status of his/her cover. Please note that there may be some delay in the synchronization between our smart contracts and the user's interface, meaning give it a bit of time for the changes to reflect on the screen.

b. Navigate to 'Purchase' to review the cover(s) purchased.

c. If the vault is not locked yet as indicated by an ongoing timer under the 'Start' column, the cover purchaser will be able to deposit more funds / purchase more cover by hitting 'Purchase' under the 'Action' column.

Step 6: Check if cover is triggered (during cover) or not (at expiry)

a. In the event the token did not DePeg according to the terms, the cover is 'Not Triggered' and 'Payout' is marked as nil.

b. As the price for the cover, the contribution amount is distributed to the cover underwriters which is the party that underwrites the cover.

c. In the event the token does DePeg according to the terms, the cover amount would have been the amount received as payout by the cover purchaser. In any case, the contribution amount is distributed to the cover underwriters as the price paid for the cover.

d. If there is any payout, hit the 'Withdraw' button to receive said payout. Be sure to approve the transaction on your wallet to receive the funds.

B. Underwrite DePeg Cover (For underwriting DePeg Covers)

Step 1: Launch App and connect wallet

Refer to Get Started

Step 2: Navigate to 'Vault' then 'Trade'

Step 3: Hit the 'Underwrite' button

a. Check the countdown till the vault is locked. Once the vault is locked, cover underwriters will not be able to deposit funds / purchase cover.

b. Hit the 'Underwrite' button to deposit funds / underwrite cover.

Step 4: Insert details and hit 'Deposit'

a. The cover underwriter inserts the amount of prescribed tokens (in this case USDC) he or she wishes to deposit.

b. Trigger Payout refers to the amount of contributions the cover underwriter is expected to receive if the cover is triggered. No Trigger Payout refers to the underwriting capital returned plus the amount of contributions paid to the cover underwriter. The contribution amount is constantly subject to change depending on the amount of funds deposited by cover purchasers and underwriters until the vault is locked.

c. Read the Cover Terms & Conditions before checking the box. Please note that depositing funds acts as proof that the cover underwriter agrees to and accepts the DePeg Cover Terms and Conditions.

d. Hit 'Deposit' to deposit funds / underwrite the DePeg Cover for (in this case) USDC.

Step 4: Approve transaction to confirm the deposit / cover underwriting

Step 5: Check status

a. Navigate to 'My Vaults'. Here the cover underwriter is able to check the status of his/her cover. Please note that there may be some delay in the synchronization between our smart contracts and the user's interface, meaning give it a bit of time for the changes to reflect on the screen.

b. Navigate to 'Underwrite' to review the cover(s) underwritten.

c. If the vault is not locked yet as indicated by an ongoing timer under the 'Start' column, the cover underwriter will be able to deposit more funds / underwrite larger amounts by hitting 'Deposit' under the 'Action' column.

Step 6: Check if cover is triggered (during cover) or not (at expiry)

a. In the event the token DePegs according to the terms, the cover is 'Triggered', contributions are retained by the cover underwriter, while the underwriting capital is transferred to the cover purchasers. If the cover is 'Not Triggered', the cover underwriter will receive both contributions and underwriting capital. 'Profit' reflects the cover underwriter's balance according to the amount of contributions and capital retained.

b. As the underwriting capital, it is paid to the cover purchasers if the cover is 'Triggered', or paid back to the cover underwriter if the cover is 'Not Triggered'.

c. This refers to the amount of contributions earnt against the underwriting capital provided.

d. Hit the 'Withdraw' button to receive either contributions or contributions with underwriting capital. Be sure to approve the transaction on your wallet to receive the funds.

⚠️Note: All tokens and figures in this user guide are for illustrative purposes only

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