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Stake aUWT
Amulet Support avatar
Written by Amulet Support
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Launch App and connect wallet

Refer to Get Started

Step 2: Stake aUWT

Navigate to Underwrite -> Stake aUWT

A list of pools will be displayed. You can search the pool using the search bar or the different filers.

⚠️ Note: Turn on Staked will display the pools that you have staked.

Click anywhere on the row for the pool you wish to underwrite. It will expand to show more details. Click "Stake".

Enter the amount of aUWT you wish to stake on the pop-up window. Then click "Confirm".

Approve the transaction in your wallet. Once the transaction is successful, you will receive the respective LP tokens in your wallet. You can then view your staked amount and participate in our advanced premium sharing scheme. πŸŽ‰

Learn more about aUWT and premium sharing scheme.

Step 3: Claim rewards and Unstake aUWT

The shared premiums will be distributed to each underwriter in aUWT and auto-compounded, adding to the staked aUWT amount. The LP tokens you received for underwriting represent both your deposit and the rewards you get. Hence, to claim rewards, you can partially redeem the LP tokens to unstake aUWT.

⚠️ Note: Unstake will be temporarily suspended if there are active claims. It will be reopened once all claims are settled.

Navigate to Underwrite -> Stake aUWT. Click on the pool you wish to unstake.

Click "Unstake".

Enter the amount of LP tokens you wish to redeem on the pop-up window. Then click "Confirm".

Approve the transaction in your wallet. Once the transaction is successful, you will receive the respective amount of aUWT in your wallet. πŸŽ‰

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